Wednesday, June 29, 2011

AKA a Fat Kid’s Utopia.....

Hey everyone, well another week of work down here in Denver. Today is Wednesday, June 29, 2011. So last week was an awesome work week, traveled to Elko, Nevada for our annual intern trip. We left last Tuesday, flew to Salt Lake City and then bussed to Elko. We did a community service project at their K-12 school by giving their playground a real face lift. People were raking, pulling weeds, painting and putting together new playground equipment. I was part of the group of people putting together the new equipment. Then Tuesday night we went to the Star which is a badass steakhouse, they have the family style dining where everyone gets their main meal and then they bring out dishes of pasta, fries, salad and mashed potatoes (AKA a fat kid’s utopia). Wednesday we did our tour of the mines and I got to go underground, which to put it slightly was an experience. It was actually pretty freaky going down the elevator shaft; it was guaranteed the darkest I have ever been in; it was just like the movies. Once you get down there it’s really not too bad, but let’s just say that I was glad to get back to the office. Right before we boarded our plane for the flight back we heard over the intercom that our plane had a cracked windshield and that we would be delayed until 4 P.M and this was around 9 A.M. so we had to sit around all day, but two good things came out of this delay, first of all we got a $300 voucher for a future flight and the second was a we got a kickass lunch bought by Newmont that I’m guessing cost a pretty penny. Then on Friday I Newmont flew me up to good old Butte Montana for Chancellor Gilmore and Coach Green’s retirement party, to be a Newmont representative. Newmont gave Chancellor Gilmore a hardhat that was airbrushed; here some pictures of the helmet. Then the rest of the weekend I went to Helena to go camping with my parents and April. It felt rejuvenating to get back to Montana and do some camping. Autumn and Vance came out Saturday afternoon with his sister and kids that we had never met; they were really nice. So April comes today, actually she is currently on the plane and on her way to Denver. We are going to the Rockies game tonight, sitting first row down by third base. Well everyone I hope you all have a safe and fun 4th.

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