Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Football

Well we are one week closer to school getting out for summer. This week was a pretty busy week like all normal weeks in the college life. Monday was definitely hard to get back into the swing of things due to our week of for Spring Break. Tuesday night we tested for football; we tested our 20, Digger agility, vertical, height and weight. It went pretty good but I don’t know if I improved on anything because I can’t remember how I did last time. On Wednesday our trainer measured our heads for our helmets because we start spring ball this Saturday, we also got fitted for our football cleats for the fall. Yesterday was a very brain draining day, I had three quizzes and I was really confused in Excel. So today was a pretty relaxing day, I went trap shooting with my roommate, Sully and Chuckster. It was so much fun we shot a lot of clay pigeons and then we started to find random stuff and shot it. Tonight I have to work down at the Hyper for the Kids Night Out from 6-7. After I’m going to the new movie 21 with a couple of my buddies, I’ve been waiting to see this movie since I first seen the previews. So football starts at 7:55 A.M. tomorrow morning; I have a special teams meeting. Well I’ll talk to you on Sunday let you know how football practice goes.

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