Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

So this weekend was way more exciting than the whole week. On Thursday my girlfriend came home so we hung out that night, we played a game with her mom. The weather over break was just terrible; it didn’t cooperate with my plans at all. I wanted to go fishing the whole break but it snowed, the wind was blowing so hard and it was only nice two days the whole break the days
I went fishing. On Friday night I went bowling with three of my buddies and my girlfriend, I was bowling really good I couldn’t believe it. I even bowled a strike left handed with some sweet spin. After bowling I went out to our local lake, my buddy was camping out there so we went out there around midnight we sat around a fire and just talked. Saturday I went fishing again, we caught ten Rainbow’s but it wasn’t as fast of a fishing day as Monday but it was still really good. There were boats everywhere, one boat was driving all over it was making me really mad he didn’t even care about the other fifteen boats on the water. That night I went and got dip’n dots at some game place downtown, and then we went back to my girlfriend’s house we just hung out and made ring tones for my phone. Today I slept into around 10 and I got Las Vegas the TV show series season four for an Easter present from my parents or the Easter bunny you can decide. I kind of just packed my stuff up today and finished putting the finishing touches on my room since I really cleaned it and moved some stuff out. I mowed my lawn it was really dusty and I took I think six bags of grass off it. Overall I guess break was pretty fun seeing my family was great but I wish the weather was a little more cooperative. Happy Easter!!!

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