Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Travel Travel Travel!

Once again everyone it’s Friday, and I’m very ready for it to be! This week was crazy for me. Between working at MDT and mowing, it takes a lot out of you. Just about everyday this week I woke up at six so I could be to work at seven, then work till 3:30, go lift at Fuel Fitness with Louie Blood, then mow until around nine every night. So when I got home, I was pooped. A couple of nights I just went straight to bed without eating dinner. Now I must have been really tired if I was skipping a meal, LOL! So on Monday, it was just a regular day at work with meetings and such, but on Tuesday, I went down to Butte and interviewed and videoed the officers working. It was a really interesting work station since you always see semis pulling into them and you don’t really think about all that takes place in them. On Wednesday I took a “How to Interview” class which was an all-day thing, but I really think it will help me in the long run. On Thursday, I was up to Big Sky to do some more interviews and videoing, and I really hadn’t ever been up that way, so it was a treat for me and the river was roaring. Then today I was around Helena with Bob Weber, and he took me around to different construction sites so I could get some video. If you couldn’t tell I’m doing a lot of videoing and not much editing, which means later I will have much to do in the editing division. Also if you couldn’t tell I really haven’t been in the office much and have been doing a lot of traveling, which I really enjoy. Well this weekend my parents are calling it a family weekend, which really is code for lets condense out storage units. We are doing this so we can rent them out, since at our first location we are pretty much full so we are going to move and shift things around so we can rent them out. Well everyone have a great weekend!!!!!

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