Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'll Let you Decide....

Well sorry it’s been awhile since I’ve written my last blog but what a crazy time it has been lately. Well I went down on last Thursday to move into my apartment for the school year and let’s just say that this place was not acceptable. The landlord or slumlord was supposed to have the apartment cleaned and ready for me to move into and we show up early Thursday morning and he had nothing done and we ended up not renting this apartment. This guy has over two hundred rentals and probably rents too many Montana Tech students and everyone needs to pay close attention to their landlord and make sure they do what they say. I’m not going to mention any names but if you would like to know more about whom it is I would gladly tell you in person. We ended up ridding around all day and finally found a house which is a one bedroom house on Mercury and Excelsior. This house is so SAWEET it is a three story house with a pull under garage and fits everything perfect. We tried to move into my house on Friday but we had to get an in depth credit check which I guess the owner of the property requires to rent her house which I’ll tell you about below. So we drove down on Friday for nothing but found a back up house incase this house didn’t go through. So all weekend we packed up stuff to bring down today and got up this morning and got a phone call from my landlord saying we passed with flying colors and we could move in today. So there is a stereotype for all football players I found out while trying to rent my house; people love to go to football games and cheer us on but when it comes to renting that is a whole different story. The owner of the house I’m renting did not want to rent to me due to I’m a football player which is not really fair. She was convinced that all football players do is party and wreck houses, I guess because she made me jump through hoops to be able to rent this house. I know not all people stereotype football players \and I know you get your occasional bad apple every once in a while but thinking that all football players are terrible people is just insane. The owner of my house made me put down a $1,000 deposit which was bumped up from $500 because I’m a football player which I’ll leave up to you to decide if you think is fair. Well in between the moving situation Abby, John, Rochelle and I went out to Hauser Lake on Sunday and did a little tubing and cliff jumping. But instead of taking my boat out we took Johns boat out and had a blast John had only drove his boat one other time so I gave him some help which I didn’t know if he wanted it but I gave it to him. So I'll be chatting back in on Wednesday on my last blog from Helena and I will be blogging on summing up the summer so stay tuned.

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