Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Maybe I'll stay this weekend

What a week it has been already; I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday. On Sunday we lost our intramural game, but two of our players couldn’t be there and I only played one half because I had film at 6:30 so I just played until then. Our football running workouts seem to be getting easier do to us getting more into shape every week; which is the whole purpose of it. I feel a lot stronger every time I get into the weight room; I just seem to be lifting more and more weight every day. I think it’s pretty funny because every time I go home my mom and dad tell me I keep getting thicker every time they see me. My I.T. teacher handed back our test on Tuesday; I got an 88% which I really think this sucks because I don’t agree with how computer test are given. Our test consisted of multiple choice, true false and actual Excel problems, I think that there shouldn’t be multiple choice or true false questions on Excel tests. I think that the actual excel problems should only be asked because that’s really what the class is about doing the actual problems. Maybe I’m just saying this because I only missed some multiple choice and some true false questions, and got a 100% on the actual questions. Guess what everybody I’m actually thinking about staying in Butte this weekend; I don’t think I’ve stayed a whole weekend here since football started back in August; I’ve either went home all weekend or stayed here one night. I first started to home because of hunting season and then ice fishing started. So I think I’m going to the Hooligan party to get free pizza on Friday night then go to the basketball game.

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